Saturday, December 3, 2011


How many of you drink enough water?  I'm willing to bet not too many.  Do you have any idea about all the amazing benefits water has?  Well, if not here are just a few of my favorite:

1.  Your heart will thank you.
Drinking at least 5 glasses of water a day compared to 2 lowers your chance of heart attack by 41%.

2. Energy boost.
Being even mildly dehydrated causes fatigue, muscle weakness, and dizziness.  If you are thirsty you are already dehydrated.

3. Weight loss. - Isn't this why we are all here?? 
Filling your stomach with water helps you not over fill it with food.  Water also has 0 calories unlike pop and juice.

4. Headache cure.
If you have ever been around me when you have a headache you already know 80% of headaches are caused by dehydration.  (If you ever need a more in depth explaining of why just ask.)  

5. Increased ability to exercise.
Being dehydrated slows you down making it harder so workout and therefore harder to lose weight.

6. Healthy skin.
Water helps to clear up your skin. You can see results as soon as a week after regularly drinking the recommended amount.

7. Help with digestion. 
Digestion takes a lot of water.  Drinking can help with stomach acid and constipation - ouch!

8. Cleansing.
Your body needs help from water to flush out toxins and waste products.  The more water, the easier it is to get rid of bad stuff.

9. Decreased cancer risk.
Regular drinking of water lowers the risk of colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%.  Researchers are pretty sure you can add breast cancer to this list as well.

So now you are all wondering what the recommended amount is right?  Well, no one really knows for sure.  The easiest number out there to remember is "8 of 8."  Meaning 8 cups of 8 oz each day.  This is a really great place to start.  If you are physically active, which every single one of you are these days, you need to make sure you are drinking plenty of water before, during and after exercising along with your 8 of 8.

Need some awesome hints and tips for getting in all those cups in?  Well, it just so happens I have some!

1. Keep it available.
Carry around a water bottle and drink from it all day long.  When it gets empty, fill it up again and again.

 2. Remind yourself.
Set a reminder on your phone or computer every hour reminding you to take a drink. 

3. Always choose water.
Any time you are faced with the question what to drink just choose water.

4. Exercise.
Being active will make you want to drink more.  Make sure to drink before, during and after physical activity.

Friday, December 2, 2011

December weigh-in results

Let's see how Thanksgiving treated everyone.

Kari: - 2.50%

Logan: - 1.26%

Erin: - 1.13%

Andrew: - 1.01%

Galen: - 1.01%

Cami: - 0.60%

Justin: - 0.47%

Clifford: - 0%

Taci: - 0%

Melanie: + 0.23%

Andrea: + 0.69%

Matt: + 1.40%

JoAnn: + 1.81%

I am not going to lie, I did expect a little better...  But we still have another month so there is still time to lose, lose, lose!! :)

I have yet another of my wonderful challenges coming up so check back in a day or so.

Speaking of challenges, are you dying to know how you are doing on the 104 pounds challenge?  Well...  not so great.  There were only 9.2 more pounds lost this month.  So that means you still have 73.6 pounds to go.  Sound impossible?  It's not!!  You all just need to lose at least 5.7 pounds and you have it in the bag. Piece of cake if everyone does their part.  :)

Good luck and healthy holidays!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November weigh-in results

Ok, let's see if our first month of the "mini-loser" is going well.

Logan: - 3.43%

Cami: - 2.48%

Erin: - 2.09%

Matt: - 1.89%

Kari: - 0.96%

Galen: - 0.73%

Justin: - 0.18%

Andrea: + 1.05%

Clifford: + 1.09%

Andrew: + 1.28%

JoAnn: + 1.35%

Melanie: + 1.70%

Taci: + 2.67%

Holy positives!!  Looks like a few people are getting really serious..  and a few people are not.

All I have to say to that is there better not be one plus sign next month!  You losers lost a total of 21.2 pounds.  That means you all have to lose 82.8 more pounds to beat your weight loss from the last go around.  Come on everyone!! I know you can do it!!  Let's go Merkleys!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1st mini weigh-in!!

Hope you all had a great Halloween and thought a lot about biggest loser while you were turning down all that candy.

We only have 1 more weigh-in after this and them it's finale time. Man, that was fast!

Here is your list of people to harass until I get their weights:


Get me those weights!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Congratulations!!  You all did amazing!!  Well, almost all of you...  You know who I'm talking to...  
I am so proud of you all for working so hard and for sticking it out almost all year.  Now it's time to start up again!!  

Here are the details for our "mini-season."

Start day was October 2nd.  End day will be December 31st.
Entry fee is $30 and was due to me by October 15th (that was yesterday!!)  

We will be following the same weigh-in schedule as last time with monthly weigh-ins on the first of each month.  So Nov. 1st and Dec. 1st you will send me your weight by midnight. Dec. 31st we will have our finale where once again I will admire you wearing as little as you can get away with while stepping on the scale.

Here is the list of contestants I have so far:

I know most of your goals so I will try to keep on top of you and encourage you anyway I can so you can reach them.

I am so excited to start over once again and I hope you are super excited as well!  Let's make this season the best one yet!!  In fact, how about a few challenges to make it interesting?

As you can see in the top corner, the last go around you all lost a total of 103 pounds!  So great!  But, I have a feeling you can do better.  I am challenging you to lose more than 103 pounds in the next 3 months.  Sound like a lot?  It's really not!  If everyone loses at least 8 pounds you will have it in the bag.  Challenge accepted??  I hope so!

Ok, on to my favorite part!!  I don't know if any of you know this or not but I really enjoy running.  Running is an awesome way to lose weight, as well as an excellent stress reliever.  I love it because it is just me and the road and my crazy thoughts.  A few minutes I can take all for myself to enjoy and ponder life.  Since I love this sport so much I try to bring as many people into it as I can.  So, when Kari suggested doing a 5k on Dec. 31st before the weigh-in I jumped at the idea!  How about it?!  You're all in right?  Think of how awesome it would be to have our huge (in number not size) family all run together!  So here is the link for the Beat the New Year 5k in Sugar House.  

I know a few of you are thinking "yea right, I could never do that" but the truth is, you really can!!  The people on the real Biggest Loser are morbidly obese and after 6 months many of them run a marathon (26.2 miles.)  So it should be easy to get ready for a 5k (3.1 miles) in 3 long months.  I will be very sad if people skip out, just to let you know. :)  Check out the free podcast "Couch to 5k" for an amazing beginners training schedule.

Well, I believe that is all I have for you for now.  Keep up the good work and remember I am here for you if you need anything at all!!   Good luck!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

To the finale and beyond!!

Can you tell we have been watching a lot of "Toys" over here...

Anyways, 7 more days until the finale.  I never thought this day would come and it's nearly here!!

This is going to be kind of a long message but I would love for you all to read over it and send me back your thoughts.

First, finale business:

For those who haven't heard, we will be doing the finale weigh-in the same way we did the original weigh-in, meaning I will be watching to see what number pops up on the scale.
This won't be as easy as it was last time because we won't all be sleeping in the same house but hopefully we can figure out some way to make it happen.
JoAnn will be bringing out her scale so everyone can weigh-in on the same scale.  I thought maybe if a few people wanted to weigh-in a day or two early they could have the scale at their house then pass it on the next day.  I figured we could use skype so I don't have to drive all over town first thing in the morning.
If you have ANY suggestions or ideas please let me know!!  I want to make sure everyone is happy with the way this weigh-in goes.

I have been asked by multiple different people if they can.. er..  not wear clothes for the weigh-in.  After lots and lots of thinking I have decided the answer is going to be no.  Here is my biggest reason why: Everyone had clothes on for the starting weigh-in, this competition is about losing weight from extra fat, not clothing.  I know some of you (all of you?) are not too happy about that but I believe it's for the best. Just find your lightest outfit and I bet it won't even add a pound.  If you have been working hard these last months you shouldn't need to even worry about a few extra ounces.

I think that covers all the finale details, so now on to the "and beyond."
Quite a few of you have been asking about the "next season."  This is where I really need everyone's input so we can, once again, make sure everyone is happy.
Here is what has been thrown on the table so far:
   A "mini-season."
Starting sometime between Oct. 2nd and 9th. (A day or week after this one ends?) And ending at the end of the year.
Reasons for a mini:
1. People that want to take a break won't have to wait another 9 months before we start again.
2. Lower entry amount ($20-$30?)
3. Help people reach their end of the year goals and get ready for great new years resolutions.
4. Keep the excitement and drive you all had at the beginning of this year and not get burned out half way through.
What are your thoughts on the mini?

Then what?!  In January do we want to start all over again?
I have been brain storming like crazy and have picked up tons of awesome things we can do to make the losing experience even better.
First of all, I think 9 months was a little long.  The only reason I say that is because these last few months most of you seem to be slowing down a bit..  So maybe the next time around we shoot for 4-6 months?  Thoughts?
The entry fee for now is undecided..  I think larger amounts make people want to work harder to not waste their money but what that larger amount may be, it's up for discussion.  But, here is my favorite part!!  We still have our monthly weigh-in to see who the leader for the month is but we also have weekly weigh-ins.  These weekly weigh-ins are no ordinary weigh-in though.  Anyone who has gained during the week must pay!  The place I got this idea from made gainers pay $2 for every week gained.  All that extra money goes straight into the pot.  What do you think about this idea?  I think it would help to keep people motivated and on track.
I also have quite a few ideas for challenges and extra competitions.  Rewards for winning could be not having to pay a week if you gain.  Any and all ideas would really, really be appreciated.  So please, let me know what you're thinking!!

Also, how do you all feel about letting outsiders join?  I am sure if we opened it up to more than just the immediate family we would have a few takers.  Or do we just want to keep it between us?

In order to make this all work I need your input and ideas!! Please just leave a comment or e-mail me or even give me a call and let me know what you think.  You all have great ideas I'm sure so send them my way!!

Don't forget to work out extra hard this final week and eat super healthy!!  Can't wait to see you all soon!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

September weigh-in results


That is right everyone.  There is only one month left until we find out who the next Biggest Loser is!!  I can hardly wait!!

Let's see how things went this month:

Galen: - 3.57%

Logan: - 2.52%

Justin: - 1.90%

Kari: - 1.63%

Aaron: - 1.48%

JoAnn: - 0.61%

Katie: - 0.55%

Erin: - 0%

Melanie: + 0.48%

Ryan: + 0.74%

Taci: + 0.93%

Andrew: + 1.03%

Cami: + 2.27%

If you were thinking about getting serious now is the time to do it!! :)

Keep it up!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

August weigh-in results

Wow, someone has sure been slacking on the job over here at this blog..

Let's see if you "losers" have been slacking too ;)

Andrew: - 1.77%

Melanie: - 1.44%

Justin: - 1.40%

Taci: - 1.37%

Aaron: - 1.07%

Ryan: - 0.73%

Kari: - 0%

Erin: - 0%

Logan: - 0%

Galen: + 0.35%

Cami: + 1.18%

JoAnn: + 1.24%

Katie: + 1.98%

Looks like a few of you have.... But a few are still working hard.

We only have 2 months left so now is the time to "get serious!!"

Good luck!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July weigh-in results

Ok here goes:

Taci: - 3.53%

Andrew: - 1.74%

Logan: - 1.40%

Katie: - 0.56%

Ryan: - 0.43%

Cami: - 0.24%

Aaron: - 0.09%

Galen: - 0%

Erin: - 0%

JoAnn: - 0%

Justin: + 0.94%

Melanie: + 1.95%

Kari: + 3.53%

A few good numbers, a few bad numbers.. again!!

We only have 2 more months left so everyone better put their game face on and get cracking!!

Actually, we were talking about moving the final weigh-in to Oct. 1st instead of September.  This would give everyone an extra month to lose extra weight plus we would all be together for Justin and Amber's wedding and we can all use the same scale so things are nice and square.  Let me know what you think!!

Keep up the good work, or maybe start doing some good work... ;)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June weigh-in results

I know there were a few competitions going on this month so I will post the monthly stats as well as total percentages.

This month:

Ryan: - 5.30%

Galen: - 3.79%

Katie: - 2.83%

Andrew: - 2.61%

Taci: - 2.58%

Cami: - 1.46%

JoAnn: - 1.22%

Aaron: - 0.96%

Logan: - 0.48%

Melanie: - 0.48%

Erin: - 0%

Kari: + 0.28%

Justin: + 0.95%

Total pounds lost this month: 49.7!!  Our second best month.

Here are the Totals!!

1. Ryan: - 12.58%

2. Cami: - 7.89%

3. Aaron: - 7.51%

4. Melanie: - 7.15%

5. Galen: - 6.31%

6. JoAnn: - 5.29%

7. Logan: - 3.55%

8. Katie: - 3.18%

9. Taci: - 2.58%

10. Andrew: - 0.69%

11. Kari: + 0.28%

12. Justin: + 0.47%

13. Erin: + a little bit of baby weight... ;)

Looks like there is some pretty good numbers!!  And a few sad numbers.. But no worries, you can always come back!!

Don't forget to log your exercises on

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I have some bad news...

Ok, so...  This month you all have a few extra days to get your weight in to me.

I am having an awesome time out here in Maryland but I just realized I forgot my official pink notebook at home!  That is where I keep all my Biggest Loser info...

So first thing on the 7th when I get home I will hurry and post post post.  Make sure you get your weight to me as soon as you can!

Sorry!!  Good luck!

Friday, May 13, 2011

A challenge?!

Here is a list of everyone who has signed up so you can find each other:
Cassie    Cami    Taci    Scott    Melanie    Galen    Aaron    Logan 

So, who is up for a little challenge?

I found this awesome new website and I think it would be the perfect place to have a friendly little competition (inside a much bigger competition.)

The site is dailymile.  After you workout you enter what you did and all the fun details.  When I first joined it was only for running, walking and cycling but it now includes any kinds of exercise. 

After you enter your workout you can see some pretty cool stats.  A few of my favorite are total pounds burned, total t.v.s powered, total gas saved and the best one of all, total doughnuts burned.

Ok, so here is where the challenge comes in.  Let's see who can burn the most doughnuts in a month.  The winner will have major bragging rights!!  I think we should also as a family try to get to certain number in a month.  With all of us working hard it would have to be a high number... What do you think?  We will of course have to include our non-MBL family as well so make sure and spread the word!

We will start May 23rd so everyone has a week to get signed up and going.  After you get signed up leave a comment saying you are on so everyone else can find you and be your friend.

Let's get burning!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May weigh-in results

Here are the stats....

JoAnn: - 2.39%

Logan: - 0.96%

Cami: - 0.60%

Aaron: + 0.63%

Galen: + 0.69%

Kari: + 0.78%

Taci: + 0.86%

Justin: + 1.45%

Katie: + 1.57%

Ryan: + 1.99%

Andrew: + 2.43%

Melanie: + 3.27%

Erin: + 5.59% (Welcome to the contest!!!)

Total pounds lost this month: 6.8?!?!

Look at all those plus signs!!  UGH!!!!

Let's just brush off this last month and start fresh in this wonderful month of May.  What have you all done this month to be active?

Oh!! I nearly forgot!!  I told you all I was going to post total percentages lost this month but after seeing these numbers I just couldn't.  So, next month I am posting total percentages lost.  Whether they are good or not.  So get your number up there so you can scare us all!! :)

Weigh-in day woes

Well,  looks like this month has been a little rough...  I am still waiting on one last weight and I will post the results for all to see but I am warning you now, they aren't very pretty..

So, we need to figure out why!  I've got a few ideas to keep us all motivated but I need your help!!  Be thinking of something that helps to keep you going.  Let me know your ideas and I will be much better about posting hints and tips for everyone.

Stay tuned for May's results.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Is it really almost that time again?!

I can't believe how fast this last month has gone by.  Can you believe it is weigh-in time once again?!

This Sunday don't forget to send me your new weight nice and early so I can get results up for all to see!!

Good luck!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April weigh-in results

Here are the official numbers!!

Cami: - 2.95%

Melanie: - 2.09%

Aaron: - 1.48%

Ryan: - 0.66%

Katie: - 0.64% 

Kari: - 0.63% 

Justin: - 0.48%

Logan: + 0.37%

Taci: + 1.32%

Galen: + 1.40%

JoAnn: + 1.82%

Andrew: + 2.28%

Total weight lost this month:  16.4

So, it looks like March was not a very good month..  The warm weather will hopefully be here to stay soon and I have a feeling that will help us all!!  Lots more walks in the evenings, playing at the park, and just getting out and about.

Don't let this get you down.  This month I am SURE you will all do amazing.  And just to add a little extra incentive, at next months weigh-in I am going to post everyone's monthly percentages AND total percentages so you all have a good idea where you are standing.  In 2 more weeks we will be half way through our Biggest Loser season 2.5!!  So, if you were waiting until the end to hurry and lose and sneak up on everyone - now is the time to start!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

No weigh-in today!!

I have decided from here on out I am just going to guess everyone's weights so don't worry about getting on the scale at all.

I will admit now that I'm not very good at this kind of stuff though so it might take me a while...

So far I think I know:

12 of 12


I will try and come up with weights for the rest of you as soon I can...  Because as the famous Scott King once said "Biggest Loser is like fantasy football.  I'm not really playing but I can't wait to see the stats."

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

3 more days.

Just wanted to send a little reminder out that we have a weigh-in in 3 days!! 

Work extra hard these last few days so your number can be amazing!! :)

Monday, March 21, 2011


Hello?!?  Is anyone still out there??

What a crazy month!! I can't believe we have another weigh-in right around the corner.

I hope March has been treating you all well.  I got a lot of promises that this month would be better than last month.  How is that going for you all so far? :)

Is anyone struggling?  If so let me know!  Is it your diet?  Exercise?  Motivation?  Talk to me and let me see if I can help you out!!

I am so excited that our family is "shrinking" but I am even more excited that we are growing!!  Let's all send some good vibes to Erin this week so that little man of hers can get here soon!

Friday, March 4, 2011

March weigh-in results

Before I post the numbers for this month I just wanted to remind everyone these percentage are for FEBRUARY ONLY.  I sent everyone their individual total percentages of weight loss so you know how you are doing.  If you ever need any of that info again just ask! :)

Here are the numbers for this month:

Ryan: - 8.89%

Melanie: - 4.35%

Galen: - 4.05%

Andrew: - 2.23%

Taci: - 2.15%

Katie: - 1.27%

Logan: - 0.95%

JoAnn: - 0.84%

Cami: - 0.47%

Aaron: - 0%

Kari: + 1.0%

Justin: + 2.98%

Total weight lost this month: 59.3!!
(Not counting you gainers.)

I have a feeling March is going to be a much better month.  I am hoping for warm weather soon so we can all get outside and get exercising.

One more reminder, your money was due on the 1st.  Get it in as soon as you can! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's that time again!!

UPDATE:  Looks like we have a few slackers so results won't be posted today..  Get on top of those slackers! 

Time for a weigh-in!  Get me those weights by midnight!! :)

Here's who I have so far:

12 of 12!!


Friday, February 25, 2011

4 more days!

Hey all!

Just wanted to send out a little reminder and make sure everyone knows our next weigh-in is in 4 days. As you all know your new weights will be due to me by midnight on Tuesday, March 1st.

This is also the day everyone's money is due to me. We all decided we wanted the money to be due early on in the competition so we would know who is really serious about sticking it out until September. So if you are committed and geared up to lose the weight make sure to get me your money.

I wanted to give everyone a little heads up info about this next weigh-in.  I am going to post only the percentages lost during the month of February.  (Or for our 3 new contestants January and February.)  Each month at the weigh-ins I will only be posting the weight lost that previous month.  The total percentages lost will not be revealed until September.  I will however, tell you each individually what your total percentages are.  Mostly because I am just so dang proud of you all and can not believe the amazing numbers I have been seeing!! :)

Ok, one more thing.  Hopefully you have noticed on the side of our blog a new little surprise.  I was looking through all of the weight that has been lost so far and I was so impressed with the numbers!  I just had to share with everyone!!  Hope you all are as amazed as I was.

Good luck.  Work extra hard these last few days.  Can't wait to hear from you on Tuesday! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Weekly report 2/17

Here are a couple awesome numbers that should definitely scare you all a little. :)

- 4.8%
- 2.7%

Wow.  Keep it up!! :)

Just a little reminder.  Your money is due to me by March 1st.  That is less than a month away!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3rd times a charm

We are nearly halfway through February and this is the first week I have received weights for the weekly weigh-in.  They are some pretty dang good numbers too if I do say so. 

If you want to add your numbers to the weekly weigh-in this week just get your weight to me anytime before Thursday.  And don't forget to check back on Thursday to see some impressive numbers!

On to some more exciting news.  How do you all feel about a 3rd place price?
How about something along the lines of this:

What do you think? :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pound for Pound Challenge

So I don't know if you guys know this or not, but I am a huge fan of The Biggest Loser.   
(The one on TV.)
Some of you may have watched BL before and some of you have probably not.  If you have watched you may or may not have heard about the Pound for Pound Challenge they are doing.

Here are the details:

1 in 6 Americans struggle with hunger.  For every pound you pledge to lose through May 31, 2011, the Pound For Pound Challenge will donate 11¢ to Feeding America — enough to secure one pound of groceries on behalf of local food banks.

You all are doing awesome with your weight loss.  Why not help those in need be able to get some food at the same time you are getting healthier?  Sounds like a win-win to me. :)

I have set up a team for everyone to join.  Go to the Pound for Pound Challenge website and click Pledge Now.  Then just search for our group "Merkley Clan" and join!  Get everyone you know to join our team so we can lose our way to the top!!  Even if you have no weight to lose you can pledge to maintain your weight and Feeding America will donate 55¢ in your honor.

What are you waiting for?!  Get pledging!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February weigh-in results

Here are the official stats!!

Andrew: - 0.44%

Galen: - 0.6%

Kari: - 1.13%

Logan: - 1.56%

Cami: - 2.63%

JoAnn: - 2.7%

Melanie: - 3.52%

Justin: - 4.28%

Aaron: - 5.79%

What an AWESOME start!!

Next month there will be at least 3 more competitors so keep up the good work and don't slack or you will fall behind!!

Good job everyone!!
I'm glad we don't have to vote anyone off :)

Today is the day!!

I got them all!!!   I have to hurry and go run a quick 4 miles and then I will get the results up for all to see!!! :)  Hope you are all waiting on the edge of your seat!!

Get your weight to me today!!!  The faster I get them all in the faster everyone gets to see the results! :)

I have:

9 of 9!!

weights reported.

Here is who you can yell at to get them in faster. :)


Sunday, January 30, 2011

2 more days!!!

Hey there everyone!

Don't know if you noticed or not but there wasn't a weekly weigh-in this week.  Why?  Because no one sent me their weights.  I am not too beat up about it though because we have our first official weigh-in in 2 days!!

That's right.  Tuesday, February 1st is right around the corner.  What this means for you is it is nearly scale time.  Be sure to jump on the scale any time on the 1st and send me your new weight.  The deadline is midnight and if you don't want threatening calls from me, send in your weigh nice and early. :)

So excited to see who the competition will be and who is really taking things seriously!

Make sure to work extra hard in your "last chance work-out" tomorrow.

Good luck!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Weekly report 1/20

Here are a few more impressive numbers.

- 4.5%
- 2.1%
- 1.7%
- 0.6%

The first monthly weigh-in is right around the corner!!  If you don't have your starting weight to me yet you better hurry and get it in!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sites for people who exercise

Hopefully you all have seen and maybe even used some of the "Sites for people who exercise."

This is just a little collection of sites I have used or heard of from you.

Here is a little more info on each of the sites.

550 Workout:
I just found this new work-out and it's tough!!  We could totally have a challenge to see who can do the full work-out in the least amount of time.  Try it out!!  Just don't plan on doing a ton of walking the next day..  :)

Lose it!:
Lose it is a fancy calorie counter.  It tracks your meals and your exercise and tells you how much you need of each to get to your goal weight.

My Fitness Pal:
MyFitnessPal is pretty much the same as Lose it.  I would say try them both out and see which one fits you best!

Plus3 is probably one of my favorite sites lately.  Every time you exercise, you enter your stats on the site.  Then you get "kudos" which turns into money you have earned for sponsors.  I have been exercising to earn money for the American Heart Association.  So far I have earned $6.82!!  Which, I know, doesn't really sound like a ton... But, I earned it by exercising!!  We are all going to be exercising anyway so we may as well be earning money for others while we do it! :)

Make sure you check them all out!!

If you know any awesome sites you would like me to add just send them my way!!

Also, if you haven't been keeping an eye on the countdown timer, we have 2 weeks until the first weigh-in!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Weekly report 1/13

Looks like a few of you are taking this thing seriously!!  Keep it up!!

Here are some percentages from this week:

- 2.5%
- 1.4%
- 0.8%

Remember, if you want your number to be posted next week just send me your weight by Wednesday night.

Good luck!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tour pt. 2

I am so excited to post some weight loss results tomorrow!!  A few of you are doing awesome!!  If you want to add your great numbers to the list get your new weight to me by tonight.

Ok, on with the tour.  Over on the right column you can see a few important numbers in "The Pot."  This, as I am sure you are all aware, is the big prize for winning Merkley's Biggest Loser.  Right now we have 12 contestants participating so the total pot is $1200.  We do have a few undecided members of the family that could help increase the size of the pot though.  So the final winning amount may end up being a little more.  We will not know for sure until March 1st, the day all the money is due.

Under "The Pot," the "Countdown" is counting down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the next monthly weigh-in.  The monthly weigh-ins are mandatory.  Everyone must send in their weight to me on the first of each month by midnight.  I am so excited for our first weigh-in to be able to see how everyone is doing!

Well, that's all for today.

Stay strong and say no to seconds today!

Monday, January 10, 2011

A little tour.

Welcome to week 2!!  Hopefully you all still have lots of steam and you are going strong!!  I have talked to quite a few of you and I am so proud to hear how well you are all doing and how committed you all still are!!

I figured over the next little while I would kind of give everyone a little tour of the blog so it can be used to it's fullest potential! :)

On the left column there is a "The Contestants" spot.  Here is where each month I will post everyone's weight loss percentages.  Here you will be able to see who your biggest competition is and how much weight you need to aim to lose the next month to get in the lead!

Some of you have asked what will be posted at each weigh-in.  I will only be posting percentages lost.  Your weight will still be confidential.  :)

Right under all your wonderful names there is the weight loss calculation I will be using to see how everyone is doing.

This is here for two reasons.  First, so you can track yourself.  And second to show that I really do listen to you.  :)  There was a special request to add this little calculation to the blog so now it is here!! What does this mean for you?  It means if there is something missing you would like to see or if you have any fantastic ideas to make our little blog even better let me know!! I am here to please!

Well, make sure you keep up the good work!!  Go 5 minutes longer when you work out today just for me. ;)

Friday, January 7, 2011


Happy New Year!!

I hope you all are ready for 2011 and for losing lots of weight!! :)

The official kick-off for Merkleys Biggest Loser was January 1st.  Hopefully you all have started the year fantastically!!

On this official MBL blog I will try to come up with awesome ways to keep everyone motivated.  This is also where I will post the results of each monthly weigh-in.

Hopefully this will help keep everyone going and we will have more losers than gainers this time around! ;)

Keep up the hard work and if you have any suggestions let me know!!