Monday, March 12, 2012

March weigh-in results

I finally got the last of the weights I have been waiting for so let's see how this month treated everyone.

Andrew: - 4.66%

Aaron: - 4.16%

Justin: - 2.85%

Galen: - 2.39%

Kari: - 1.64%

Logan: -1.36%

Erin: - 0.56%

Clifford: - 0.32%

JoAnn: - 0.23%

Melanie: + 0.48%

Taci: + 1.47%

Lots of losers this month!  Love it!!  Let's see if we can get those negatives even higher in April.  Keep it up!

Challenge #3 results

Man, some of you are slackers!!  I FINALLY have weigh-in and challenge results.

This was a tough challenge and I was sad to see only 3 of you complete it.  Hopefully you were at least a little more aware of what you were eating.  Now that you know what needs to change it makes things easier to actually change.

Try to make a few better choices this coming week.  Good luck!