Saturday, December 3, 2011


How many of you drink enough water?  I'm willing to bet not too many.  Do you have any idea about all the amazing benefits water has?  Well, if not here are just a few of my favorite:

1.  Your heart will thank you.
Drinking at least 5 glasses of water a day compared to 2 lowers your chance of heart attack by 41%.

2. Energy boost.
Being even mildly dehydrated causes fatigue, muscle weakness, and dizziness.  If you are thirsty you are already dehydrated.

3. Weight loss. - Isn't this why we are all here?? 
Filling your stomach with water helps you not over fill it with food.  Water also has 0 calories unlike pop and juice.

4. Headache cure.
If you have ever been around me when you have a headache you already know 80% of headaches are caused by dehydration.  (If you ever need a more in depth explaining of why just ask.)  

5. Increased ability to exercise.
Being dehydrated slows you down making it harder so workout and therefore harder to lose weight.

6. Healthy skin.
Water helps to clear up your skin. You can see results as soon as a week after regularly drinking the recommended amount.

7. Help with digestion. 
Digestion takes a lot of water.  Drinking can help with stomach acid and constipation - ouch!

8. Cleansing.
Your body needs help from water to flush out toxins and waste products.  The more water, the easier it is to get rid of bad stuff.

9. Decreased cancer risk.
Regular drinking of water lowers the risk of colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%.  Researchers are pretty sure you can add breast cancer to this list as well.

So now you are all wondering what the recommended amount is right?  Well, no one really knows for sure.  The easiest number out there to remember is "8 of 8."  Meaning 8 cups of 8 oz each day.  This is a really great place to start.  If you are physically active, which every single one of you are these days, you need to make sure you are drinking plenty of water before, during and after exercising along with your 8 of 8.

Need some awesome hints and tips for getting in all those cups in?  Well, it just so happens I have some!

1. Keep it available.
Carry around a water bottle and drink from it all day long.  When it gets empty, fill it up again and again.

 2. Remind yourself.
Set a reminder on your phone or computer every hour reminding you to take a drink. 

3. Always choose water.
Any time you are faced with the question what to drink just choose water.

4. Exercise.
Being active will make you want to drink more.  Make sure to drink before, during and after physical activity.

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