Thursday, July 26, 2012


Holy cow.  First, I just need to say how sorry I am for the slacking I've been doing.  So, so sorry.

But, on to more important things.  Let's see who the winners are!!

1st place - Andrew!! with a loss of -8.47%

2nd place - Aaron right behind with a loss of -8.45%

3rd place - Erin -3.38%

And the rest of y'all

Taci: -3.06%

Logan: -2.98%

Justin: - 2.34%

JoAnn: - 1.51%

Galen: -0.33%

Kari: +

Melanie: +

Clifford: +

Good job familia!  Love you all and keep it up!
Unless you gained, don't keep that up.. ;)

Monday, July 2, 2012

The end is near!

Long time no see!!

Sorry I have been such a slacker.  I could make excuse after excuse but the truth is I had to take a break from hounding people week after week for their weights.  But, I think i'm back now. :)

I will be getting totals to everyone for how much you owe for gaining.  Please get me the money as quick as you can so I can get it to the winners!

Also, please send me your monthly weigh-in with a picture if you haven't already.

Monday, March 12, 2012

March weigh-in results

I finally got the last of the weights I have been waiting for so let's see how this month treated everyone.

Andrew: - 4.66%

Aaron: - 4.16%

Justin: - 2.85%

Galen: - 2.39%

Kari: - 1.64%

Logan: -1.36%

Erin: - 0.56%

Clifford: - 0.32%

JoAnn: - 0.23%

Melanie: + 0.48%

Taci: + 1.47%

Lots of losers this month!  Love it!!  Let's see if we can get those negatives even higher in April.  Keep it up!

Challenge #3 results

Man, some of you are slackers!!  I FINALLY have weigh-in and challenge results.

This was a tough challenge and I was sad to see only 3 of you complete it.  Hopefully you were at least a little more aware of what you were eating.  Now that you know what needs to change it makes things easier to actually change.

Try to make a few better choices this coming week.  Good luck!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Challenge #3 (2/19 - 2/25)

One of the most important factors in losing weight is eating healthy.  You all know this, but it is way easier said than done.  Knowing what to eat, how much to eat, and what not to eat can be a lot to figure out.

Have you seen the new food plate?  It has replaced the old food pyramid and makes it easier to see what you should be eating.

Half of your plate should be fruits and veggies.  100% fruit juices or any fresh, frozen, canned, or dried fruit count.

100% vegetables juices or raw, cooked, canned, frozen, and dried veggies all count as well.

The other half of your plate should be split between grains and proteins.  At least half of your grains should be whole grains.

Proteins should be lean and varied.

You also need to have a cup of dairy to go with your plate.  Fat-free or low fat dairy should be your first choice.

Check out the choosemyplate website.  It tells you exactly how much of any food you need to fill your requirements and has lots of ideas for new foods you can try.

So, now for our challenge.  The very first step in changing your eating habits starts with finding out what your habits are now.  For this challenge I am not asking you to change your eating habits at all, just to take note of where you are at.  (The changing comes later.)

Challenge: Make a food log of everything you eat or drink for at least 3 days in 1 week.

Reward: $2 off weekly weigh-in gains

Details: Report back to me the days you have logged everything you had to eat or drink.  Logs must be written down so you look can look back and see exactly what you are eating.  Reports must be to me by midnight on Sunday the 25th.

Good luck and as always, if you have any questions or concerns let me know!!

Challenge #2 results

This challenge was way too easy for a few of you, and way too hard for a few others. :)

But, as a group you did improve from the last challenge.  8 out of 12 contestants completed the challenge.

That means a $1 credit for you 8, for the other 4 - you get nothing!! :)

There will be a new challenge starting on Sunday so check back later today or tomorrow for details.  This one will require a little bit more work from each of you so I hope you are up for the challenge.

Long weekend means extra time to exercise...  Just to let you know.

Friday, February 3, 2012

February weigh-in results

Are you all ready to see how the new season of biggest loser is going?!  I am!  Let's get to the numbers.

Aaron: - 5.60%

JoAnn: - 2.32%

Taci: - 1.73%

Galen: - 1.68%

Justin: - 1.40%

Cami: + 0.23%

Logan: + 0.57%

Melanie: + 0.72%

Erin: + 1.34%

Clifford: + 1.74%

Kari: + 1.95%

Andrew: + 3.43%

I was hoping that having a weekly pot would mean less gainers but there are still a few of you.  Good thing we are starting a new month so you can all start fresh!!  

As you can see over there <--, the weekly pot is slowly getting bigger.  If you are adding to that pot make sure you check out, and complete the challenge so you can a $1 credit.

Keep up the good work.  Work hard!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Challenge #2 (2/2 - 2/8)

Water.  I love it.  There are so many benefits - which you can read about here if you have forgotten.

Because I love water so much you should have known a water challenge was coming sooner or later.  So here it is.

Challenge:  Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day for at least 3 days in one week. (2/2 - 2/8)
(Notice how I said "of water."  To make your drinking count, it must be water.  You can add flavor but juice, milk, soda, etc don't count.)

Reward:  $1 off weekly weigh-in gains

Details:  Report to me the days you have drunk at least 64 ounces of water, anytime before midnight on Wednesday the 8th.

Remember, only 7 of you completed the challenge last time.  Let's see if we can get that number higher!  If you need some hints and tips to get chugging let me know.

Also once again, send me some challenge ideas if you've got them.  Let's see how creative you can get.

Please take note of the challenge dates so you will complete the challenge during the right days of the week.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Challenge #1 results

Sorry it has taken me so long to post some results from the first challenge.  I had a few slackers who took a while to get back to me. :)

Out of 12 contestants 7 of you completed the challenge.  Woo hoo!!

Good job you 7.  You all got a $2 credit toward your weekly weigh-in pot.  Some of you have already needed to use this and some of you are just starting your savings.  Even though the challenge is over you can still workout.

Keep up the good work and don't forget we have a monthly weigh-in on Wednesday.  These weigh-ins require a picture of your weight on your scale sent to me.  Don't forget! :)  Send it over as soon as you can so I can post some of these awesome numbers I have been getting.

Check back later this week for the second challenge.  Also, please send me challenge ideas if you have any!!  I want to have lots and lots and I know you all have awesome ideas so send them over!!  Now! :)

Little tip for the day - put smaller portions on your plate, and slow down when eating.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Challenge #1 (1/17 - 1/23)

Here are the way challenges will work.  I will post on the blog and text/e-mail everyone a day or two before a challenge starts so you know what is coming.  Different challenges will last a different amount of time, sometimes a week, sometimes just a day.  All challenges will have a reward.  The majority of awards will be money off weekly weigh-in weight gains.  If you guys do as awesome as I am hoping you will all do and never gain any weight, I might just have to change the rewards..  We will play it by ear.

Well, let's get this party started with a challenge already!!

Challenge:  Exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times in 1 week. (1/17 - 1/23)
Reward:  $2 off weekly weigh-in gains

Details:  Report to me the 3 days (I will need you to tell me the actual days) you worked out before midnight on Monday the 23rd.  You can let me know right after you exercise or at the end of the week.  Just don't forget!!

I will be keeping track of how many people successfully complete each challenge and I am really hoping for some impressive numbers so don't let me down!!

Good luck and if you need some ideas for things you can do to complete this challenge let me know!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New year, new season.

Hello all!!  I hope you are all geared up and ready for another round of Biggest Loser.  I am so very excited for all the changes and excitement coming this round, so you should be too!! :)

I wanted to iron out a few details.  First of all, after chatting with most of you it sounds like almost everyone would prefer a higher starting fee.  So the entry fee this time is $75 per person.

We have 12 contestants this round so that puts the pot right now at $900.  There will still be 1st and 2nd place, but we will not know how much they will win until sometime in June.

I have had quite a few questions about how weekly weight-ins will work so for those of you who haven't heard here you go: each Monday you will send your weight to me (as quick as you can so I don't have to bug you!!)  Every week I will tally up each persons weight gain and their money owed.  The last weekly weigh-in will be Monday, June 4th.  That will give everyone a month to get their money to me and I will have totals for the winners by the finale on July 4th.  Hope that cleared up any questions anyone has.  If not, just let me know!

Back when we were discussing different options for this round, Erin had an awesome idea to take "before pictures."  I think this is a fabulous idea for a few reasons.  If you don't like what you see in that picture you will have extra motivation to change it.  Also, a few months down the road when you are not really sure how you are doing you can look back at that picture and see just how much you have changed.  Your number on the scale is a great way to measure progress but having additional things to compare helps even more.  So, I am not requiring before pictures but highly recommending it.  Strip down to something "a little more comfy" and click a few pics you so can see just how good you are doing down the road.

Let's start and finish strong.  My advise for today is Just Say No.  Good luck and get ready for a challenge coming in the next couple weeks!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mini weigh-in finale results!!

First I need to start by saying I am super proud of you all.  The holidays are not an easy time to lose weight or even to maintain so those of you that did congrats!!  Those that gained, don't beat yourselves up.  It just means you need to refocus and start again with new determination.

Ok, enough chit-chat.  Let's get to the results.

Quite a few of the "gainers" asked to have their percentage remain anonymous so they are all shown with a plus sign. (+) 

Taci: +
JoAnn: +
Cami: +
Andrea: +
Melanie: +
Justin: +
Clifford: +
Andrew: - 0%
Kari: - 1.92%
Matt: - 3.09%
Galen: - 3.14%
Logan: - 3.43%
Erin: - 3.81%

Congrats Erin!  You went from being bottom of the list to first place.  If that doesn't motivate the rest of you I don't know what will.

Good job Logan as well.  You sure like that second place spot..  There is another motivator for everyone, I know you all don't want him winning once again.

So speaking of next time....  Here are some details.

First things first:  Let me know ASAP if you are in or not.

Start date: January 4th
Finale date: July 4th

Entry fee: $50 - $75 (INPUT NEEDED!!  Please let me know what you think)
Due by: March 1st

Fee for weekly weight gain: $1 per pound up to 5 lbs, then $2 per pound after that

Weigh-ins:  Weekly to determine money owed for weight gained (every Mon.)
                Monthly to determine percentages (1st of each month)

We are going to do monthly weigh-ins a little different this time around.  Everyone will weigh-in on the scale of their choice.  Pick one that you will have access to for each weigh-in and get me your new starting weight by the 3rd. (Tuesday)  Then each Monday and 1st of the month send me your new weight.  The finale weight will be determined using your same scale but if I am not able to watch you weigh in you must send me a picture of your weight.

(The first weekly weigh-in will be Jan. 16th to give everyone a week and a half to get back in the swing of things.)

Lot's of fun challenges and competitions will be mixed in as well.  If you think of any fun challenges you would like me to do let me know and I will fit in as many as I can.

I know things are crazy for everyone but please, please try to remember weigh-ins and get your weights to me as soon as you can on weigh on days.  I will try to send out reminder messages ahead of time.